Posted by Anonymous

artis cantik donita Celebrity News about the artist I want pilpres ago, where people do pencontrengan, but Donita regretted not mencontreng in Pilpres 2009. in karanakan he lie sick in the hospital officials were not for mencontreng.
say yontreng already carry the card nyontreng. Enggak officers who have come to the hospital. donita disappointed because the sound effect and a wait-awaited elections for only five years," said Donita at Siloam Hospital, Room 4510, Kebon Jeruk, Jakarta Jakarta, Wednesday (8/7/2009).donita

Sinetron Cinta Fitri players who say this is delayed, sick typus and treated in the hospital. When entering a new hospital on Tuesday, 7 July 2009, trombosit Donita had a drop to 3,000.

"Initially, I felt pain in the waist. I ask the same friends and family, these symptoms of kidney or appendix. After that I am shivering body. That feels each night. The doctors have infection in the digestive and ureter. Typus I am positive," explained artis indonesia canti this.